Pastor David Okoye of Ambassadors Word Ministry urge Believers to be Focus

Pastor David Okoye encourage Believers to strengthen their focus by having an aim. The man of God said that often times we get to find people who are engrossed in something and the next moment are doing another without fully accomplishing what they set out to do initially, he said such act is not a multi-talented ability but lack of focus.

Pastor David, from the book of 1st Corinthians 9:26 explained that it is important to note that you need an aim,so whenever you set out to accomplish something without an aim your accomplishment will be short circuited. He added that, your aim of doing something or a project, stirs within you a focus which in turn creates in you an eagerness,to see it done.

With focus it becomes almost impossible to be steered away by distractions. He concluded by saying, the extent of possessing the right aim/focus can't be over emphasized in a mission, if you intend to get your mission to the finish line then you need to solidify your aim.

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