Shocking : Lagos state big boy "Okwudili" Ceo Dilly motos is a "Yahoo yahoo" boy! See photos of his cars *whew*

A federal jury Monday convicted a Nigerian man of two
counts of bank fraud for a scam authorities say involved
more than a million dollars in altered corporate checks.
Oluyomi Oshinaike's role in the multistate scheme,
according to the charges, involved two checks totaling
more than $227,000.
Senior U.S. District Judge Charles Butler Jr. scheduled
Oshinaike's sentencing for Feb. 15. Under advisory
sentencing guidelines, he faces a prison term of at least
2½ years and as much as 3 years and a month.
Okwudili "Cowboy" "Dilly" Umenyiora, who already has
pleaded guilty to bank fraud, testified that he convinced
Oshinaike to recruit people who were willing to allow
checks to be deposited into their bank accounts.
"His job was to go out and find the accounts," he
Umenyiora testified the account holders would be told a
cover story similar to solicitations many people get via
e-mail. The tale would be a variation of the theme that a
person in Nigeria needed help getting money into the
United States. Assistant U.S. Attorney E.T. Rolison said
during his closing argument that it is a classic Nigeria
"The reason you call it that is because they say, 'My
father is in Nigeria.' They come up with that story," he
Umenyiora testified that he would pay a postal worker at
a mail-sorting center in Atlanta $500 each for corporate
bank checks. He said he did not know the man's name,
but a man by the name of Andrew Bryant Gunn has
pleaded guilty in federal court in Atlanta in connection
with the plot and will be sentenced next month.
Umenyiora told jurors he would take the checks to a
man named Guy Taylor, who would change the payee
line. Umenyiora said he would then give the checks to
partners who would in turn deposit them into bank
The bank account holder would be allowed to keep 15
percent of the value of the check, Umenyiora said.
Taylor would get 10 percent and the postal worker was
paid 10 percent to 15 percent, he testified.
Mobile resident Rosa Gullett testified that she agreed to
allow Oshinaike, whom she knew as "Abdul," to use her
account. She said she met Oshinaike through her sister,
who was dating him at the time. Her mother, Kim
Williams, testified that she allowed him to use her
account, too.
On cross-examination, defense attorney Linda Jensen
attacked the witnesses' credibility. All admitted that they
have criminal records. All also received deals from
prosecutors in exchange for their cooperation. For
Williams and Gullett, adjudication was withheld for a
year, after which the charges will be dropped if they stay
out of trouble. Umenyiora and co-defendant Adrian
Chike Okakpu, meanwhile, got prison terms half as long
as the low end of advisory sentencing guidelines.
Incidentally, that's not his first brush with the long arm of
the law, it seems he's been a career criminal for over a
decade as this mug shot from 2001 attests. Back then his
offenses included 'obstructing a police officer' , 'Giving a
false name or information' and 'Driving while license is
In light of this, it was with great amazement (and
amusement) that I read the following story about him at
Seriously Doughnuts (the original story has now been
deleted, but GOOGLE is your friend), not only was he
praised for being 'Super Model' ish in his looks, given
major props for his 'swag', but it seems he also drove
up in a Lamborghini, escorted by MOPOL:
So this bloke waltz into the private viewing of L'ESPACE
with his swag on full blast, I actually thought he was a
model ( apparently there is this Nigerian/American
Super Model type bloke in town), so armed with my
camera, I aimed for a shot. He raised his arm up to
signal he didn't want his picture taken, I smiled but
wasn't prepared to let him off so I asked why not?
The following conversation ensues….
are we back to the days of Fred Ajudua where known
419 Kingpins not only had a high public profile, but
were even accorded police escorts, and were
celebrated as pillars of society, worthy of emulation ?
Wasn't the EFCC set up to specifically check such
individuals? I mean, what's the justification in having a
self-confessed and convicted fraudster being given an
armed police escort?

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