Dear Readers, He Cheats , She Still Stays: Is It Right Or Wrong?

From my inbox....

Dear Readers,

A friend of mine cohabits with her boyfriend in the city. They are both from different states. The guy said he has 3 kids by a woman staying in his fathers house back in the village but he claims he never married her as they only gave the babies mama accomodation for the past 12 years because she born him kids.

He claims he will marry my friend and now has been staying in the same house with her for the past year. He has cheated more than 7 times and he likes to throw parties in his house. My friend still wants to stay with this man as she says she always talks to this mans's mom and baby momma on the phone. I personaly think this man is taking my friend for a ride and wasting her time but she chooses to think i am too harsh and judgemental.

What do you guys think of this situation. Is my friend justified or is she mad. Oh i forgot to add that all the woman he has cheated with have confronted my friend and told her everything but the guy keeps bad mouthing everyone so that she can not believe them.

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