RMD Addresses Viral Frail Photo - Says 'I Am In The Best Shape Of My Life''

RMD's new look

viral picture.

A while back Richard Mofe Damijo’s frail photo went viral online...... The photo showed the actor's dramatic weight loss and caused a scare amongst his fans who couldn’t get access to him.
A lady called me a few days back from USA and was almost crying on the phone asking me what was wrong with RMD and asked that i tell him his fans love him and are praying for him.
I assured her RMD was okay and told her that was an old pic and i did not know when it was snapped....I also told her the actor prolly went on diet...

Days back, RMD was spotted at the memorial event for Nollywood icon Amaka Igwe looking healthy and handsome and he has responded to the viral pic.
he told the Weekend Groove:

“What else do you need? You saw me on stage, did I look sick? People are probably so disappointed to see me looking so much better they want the news to be true. Unfortunately for them, I am in the best shape of my life.

Have you not taken photos of me. It amazes me how people cling to bad news. I am a public servant in Delta State, I go to work every day. I am not sick. I changed my lifestyle and lost weight and I am looking better than I have ever looked in my adult life. For the records, I am not on Facebook and my colleagues that they used their names as those who posted the stories have all denied it.”

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