Am I in love or not? 10 signs that he’s The One

With wedding season well under way, you may be starting to think about your own relationship and whether it'll ever be you walking down that aisle.

Here are 10 signs to help you identify that he's The One. You don't need to tick them all off, but if you don't recognise any of these, you probably want to re-assess.

1. You can't imagine life without him

No matter what life throws at you, where you go, or jobs you take, you know that you'll want to do it with him by your side.

2. You feel totally yourself around him

You realise one day that you feel completely comfortable around him. Not just no make up and leaving the bathroom door open, but that you don't have to hide your feelings or thoughts. There are no games (except in the bedroom, which leads to…)

3. Your sexual expectations match

Everyone is different and every relationship goes through natural ebbs and flows, but the match that is a keeper is where sexual needs are balanced.

4. Silence is not terrifying

Sometimes it is nice to be peaceful; together. You know when you're in the right relationship when you can spend a multi hour journey together and there is no pressure to be filling every silence with wit.

5. You have fun hanging out together

He's not just your lover, he makes you laugh like no other.

6. You want to support his interests and want him to succeed

You don't have to do it (or watch it) yourself to be supportive. When you genuinely want him to spend time pursuing his interests, you know that you're compatible.

7. In return, he supports and encourages you to be the best you can

And he allows you to be an individual within the relationship. There's no dependency from either of you, only support.

8. You can talk about (and then work out) any issue

No topic can be off limits. You don't always have to agree, but you do have to be able to raise something without judgement or fear. When you can do this and reach an amicable solution, you know you're in the right relationship.

9. You still fancy him as much as the day you met him

And you don't think about your ex. Or any of your exes.

10. He's the one person you just have to tell

Exciting news, or a story to share, we all have someone who is our default option. In a great relationship, this is him. This doesn't mean to the exclusion of all others, just that he's top of the list.

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