11-year-old girl sends note to boy to ask if he likes her; gets profound response, LOL

So many of us were there before right?

That moment the young you in primary school fall in-love! lol! I remember how i fell in-love with an half-cast when i was in primary 4, i couldn't just stop thinking about her but didn't know how to tell her so what i did was to find her little trouble.. lol and we quarreled, but later we became friends anyway and i wrote her a note like this little girl above, to express my feelings....! don't ask me if we eventually dated anyway *wink* we didn't 

This little girl’s love note was posted on Reddit this week by user Lindsrae. Her friend’s 11-year-old daughter gave it to a boy she fancied at school.

Now, it seems a simple question: do you like me? She even made it easier for the object of her affections by allowing a tick box response. lol Please see it after the cut...

11-year-old girl sends note to boy to ask if he likes her; gets profound response
It’s a classic schoolgirl move, and you might have expected the classic schoolboy response: a) he tells all his mates, b) he asks her to be his GF (they never meet outside school), c) he draws mini-phalli all over it.

But her crush’s response was unexpectedly erudite. This man-child is wise beyond his years.
Sorry to break it to you though kid, but you probably still won’t know yourself at 18. Maybe try 45?

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