Canadian uni offers Cristiano Ronaldo course

We thought dodgy university courses had reached a peak when Staffordshire offered a module in David Beckham studies, but one Canadian establishment has gone one step further – with a course in Cristiano Ronaldo.

The University of British Columbia Okanagan has decided to use the Real Madrid star as the centre-point for their sociology degree, offering modules including ‘The commodification of Cristiano Ronaldo’.

‘I don’t know if Ronaldo knows about the course,’ said Associate Professor Luis Aguiar.
‘I haven’t heard from Ronaldo, I haven’t heard from his entourage.

‘I would love to hear from either one, and I would love to have Ronaldo maybe Skyping into the class.’

We’re pretty sure as soon as the Portuguese gets wind of this, he’ll only be too happy to talk about himself.

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