If the thought of even just touching your own eyeball makes you squeamish, then you should probably look away now.
Luis Alfonso decided to get his eyeball tattooed black at the Caracas International Tattoo Festival this weekend.
The four-day Venezuelan festival aims to promote tattooing as an art form. But, it’s probably going to terrify as many people as it converts. Check out more photos after the jump...
Luis had his eyeball tattooed black
Scleral, or eyeball, tattooing is a relatively new – and dangerous –
form of body modification, pioneered through ‘trial and error’ around
2007. It involves ink injections to the whites of the eyes.
Colors can be mixed, separated and/or spread apart over the sclera for different effects.
Luis’ eyelid is held still as one slip could spell disaster
Short-term risks if too much ink is injected include prolonged
headaches, sensitivity to light and staining of surrounding tissues. The
long-term risks are unknown.
And here’s Carlos – he’s also opted for black sclera, to complement the brow implants, facial tattoos and flesh tunnels.
Carlos has dabbled in body art
Meet Mary Jose Cristerna, known on the circuit as Vampire Woman.
Mexican body modification and tattoo artist Maria Jose Cristerna
This is Red Skull. Obviously.
Say what you see
And Luciel, who has hidden talents.
Hmm, we might just stick with an ear cuff and a small star on the wrist for now.
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