How To Strengthen Yourself When You Are Weak - David Okoye

pastor david okoye

That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man.” Ephesians 3:16

In your walk with God, there comes a time where weakness occurs in your inner man.

You might not have sinned, but your fervency just seems to die out and there seems to be a strain in your service to God. God being aware that at one point or the other we will go through this phase gave us the solution in our opening scripture.

It tells that being strengthened with might has got to be by the Spirit of God. John 14:27 (AMP) gives one of His qualities to be the Strengthener.

He strengthens you and maintains that strength.

This is why Apostle Paul admonished Timothy to continually stir the gift of God in him. The Spirit of God is a precious gift that has been given to the body of Christ, so that we can achieve great feats. If He isn’t continually stirred up, the Spirit of God remains dormant in a Christian.

When you get to such points where you think you can’t go on – don’t give up. Rather take some time and stir the waters within you. Speak in tongues, listen to messages or spirit lifting songs. Don’t wait till you are weak either before you do these things - maintain the strength you’ve got.

Always remember that God’s strength is made perfect in your weakness.

He doesn’t condemn your weakness – but remaining in that state is dangerous and could cause you to fall off the faith.

Your pastors or leaders won’t be there at all times to help maintain your stance; but the Spirit of God is ever present.

Utilise the gift you’ve been given and learn to strengthen yourself.

I won’t give up in my down times. I am strengthened and my strength is maintained by God’s Spirit. His strength is made perfect in my weakness. Glory to God!

2 Timothy 1:6; 2 Corinthians 12:9

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