Wednesday Daily Devotional By Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Diet 5th October 2016) - Your Ability To Receive

pastor david okoye

“If you don't know what you are doing, pray to the father. He loves to help. You'll get His help and won't be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believing without a second thought. People who worry their prayers are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you are going to receive anything from the master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open” James 1:5-8 MSG

I love the Word of God. It shows us where we are.

This tells you as a God- child that God knows who and where you are.

Many wonder why they can't seem to receive from the Lord in spite of their giving and prayers. I am often asked “Pastor, why can't I receive from the Lord, I do everything the Word says. I have even prayed, fasted, and sowed seeds for this but God does not seem to answer or even hear me?”

The reason is often simple; unbelief. You see, your ability to receive from God is not a function of your strength or your prayers; it is a function of your heart. Unbelief does not mean a person does not believe in God. It simply refers to the inability to believe the Word of God.

Unbelief is not strong will against the Word of God. The ability to receive, understand and believe the Word of God is not a function of your human mind but of your spirit.

The Holy Ghost gives you the ability to receive the Word of God. Little wonder the Apostle prayed for the Ephesian Church that the eyes of their understanding might be enlightened, so they could receive the Word of God.

It is never by your might or by your power but by His Spirit. Never be too competent to seek God in your affairs. When God wants to intervene in your affairs, He does not come looking for you. Instead, He comes around you, so if you seek Him, you will find Him.

Look at Zaccheaus in the scriptures, even though Jesus was headed to his house, He didn't go directly to his house instead Zaccheaus had to seek him out.

Never give God second place in your heart or life. You cannot make much progress that way.

Father, I learn to seek you first in all that I do. I refuse unbelief. I am a doer of the Word and of the Work.

1 Timothy 2:8, James 4: 8

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