Pictures: Yobe Corper Sits On The Floor In Classroom To Teach His Students
A Facebook user Bukar shared the photos of a Corper who sat on the floor to teach his students who were also sitting on the floor as there are no chairs in the school for learning.
Pathetic! See what he wrote after the cut...
MORE: Female Corper Serving In Ogun State Shock Her Instagram Followers With These Pics
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'This is GDJSS Hausari Students Nguru
LGA Yobe State sitting in flow, other areas flow can't students sit on
the flow due to the damages of the flows. Education sector was left in
Yobe State toh Allah ya jara'Pathetic! See what he wrote after the cut...
MORE: Female Corper Serving In Ogun State Shock Her Instagram Followers With These Pics
MORE: Picture: Female Corper Caught In Lewd Position With Male Corpers
But does Yobe state have a governor?
This is actually a classroom for learning? Oh my God! |
MORE: Watch: Corpers Seriously Punished For Waking Up Late
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