Thursday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 12th OCT, 2017) - Receive in faith!

Pastor David Okoye
For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. James 2:26

Every time we hear the Word of God, we receive it by faith. By faith, we believe it. For example, sometimes you may have no finances, but God tells you, “You’re blessed!” Do you physically have it? No! But do you believe it? Yes! But scripture shows us something very striking.

Take another look at the underlined part of our opening text, “…faith without works is dead…” You see, it is not about your believing only; it is about the actions that follow the believing.

So many Christians stop at the believing; they do not take actions that correspond with the believing. When you take actions of faith, you find yourself making steps by the leading of the Holy Ghost; not by the result of circumstances around you, but by reason of what your faith is saying.

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

Faith is the victory. It does not try to win, it is a winner. Whenever faith is brought into an equation, victory has to come; because faith defines victory. Every Word God speaks, He releases victory to you. For every time you go and do not come back with the victory, you failed.

His Words are words of faith; as such, we are supposed to return with victorious testimonies. FAITH CAN NEVER FAIL!

As you receive God’s Word, it is to inspire you to do something. If it doesn’t inspire you, then you are not connected to the root.

Imagine seeing a beautiful tree, planted by the rivers, with all but one of its branches bearing fruit. What do you think happened to that one? It got disconnected from the roots. This is what happens to a lot of Christians.

You see, our staying connected to the roots is dependent on our produce. You are connected to the roots by the proof of your fruits. God would cut down those branches that refuse to bear fruits. This is why you have to start acting on your faith.

When you begin to take steps of faith, you will never go back. This is because faith is a seed. Once you start acting on faith, it starts growing. Faith has no limit to its growth.

I do not stop at believing. I back up my belief with works. I act in faith always; therefore, I can never fail. I am limitless!


Psalms 1, Romans 12:3

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