Friday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 13th OCT, 2017) - Faith with works

Pastor David Okoye
For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. Romans 12:3

The Word of God is the truth. There is no lie found in it. God doesn’t say things to inveigle or entice us; whatever He says is the truth.

Faith is one thing that always produces. A man that takes steps of faith would always produce results. Our opening text tells us that God has given to everyone of us the measure of faith. That is, God gave to every man the same quantum and allotment of faith. Why then do persons produce more than others if we all have the same portion of faith?

You see, the measure of faith is the seed of faith. You may give the same amount of seeds to different farmers but eventually, you’ll find out that their produce would vary. Did they get the same type of seed? Yes! Did they get the same amount of seed? Yes! But, did they produce the same quantity? No! This is because they all tended to the seed in different ways.

The same seed that produced a thousand fruits in the hands of one farmer would die in the hands of another. This is what happens to our faith. Some Christians have given themselves to developing and building up their faith. That is why these ones are able to produce more than the regular believer.

You see, the blessings of God on your life are not dependent on the works of your hands. But God would need the works of your hands to channel the blessings through. Little wonder He said, whatsoever you do shall prosper.

God isn’t interested in how insignificant the works of your hands might seem; all He is looking for is a channel to transfer the blessings from the realms of the Spirit to the physical. For Him to do that there must be a force of faith.

Faith is the only thing that connects the spiritual realm to the physical. When a Godchild doesn’t have faith enough to apply (no matter how little the faith might seem), the blessings of God cannot be made evident in His life.

You apply faith through your works. Once you subtract works from faith, what you get is defeat. Once you add your works into the faith equation, you become a super success.

My progress knows no bounds. The whole world marvels at my success. My light shines brighter and brighter. I add works to my faith.


1 John 5:4, John 15:1-2

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