Sunday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 15th OCT, 2017) - The right mentality

Pastor David Okoye
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. Proverbs 23:7

Success is a place, prosperity is a Spirit, and poverty is a mentality. This eventually means that wealth would come by mentality.

The YLT rendering puts the underlined part of our opening text thus,
For as he hath thought in his soul, so is he…

God means everything He says. Our opening scripture shows us that if a man thinks he is rich, he will be rich; if a man also thinks lack and unproductively, he would constantly lack.

Lack is not the absence of finances, but the absence of the success mentality. This is perhaps the biggest problem a child of God can have.

Recognize that all that you are today is not more than what your mind made of you. Everything that you are today is a product of the capacity of your mind. You are not more or less than it.

Your mind can be influenced by several things, the Word of God, your environment, assimilated information, and so on. Your mind is the governor of your mind.

Prosperity is a Spirit, it is a person. The personality of prosperity cannot follow those who have armed themselves with a poverty mentality.

Prosperity only follows success mentality.

The success mentality is the mentality of possibilities. Every man is armed with a mentality; he may not know it, but every of his actions​ is influenced by that mentality.

Every mentality justifies itself; that is, there is no mentality (be it wrong or right) that would tell you it’s wrong. It would always present itself as the right mentality.

Mentalities never speak wrong of themselves. Little wonder, scripture tells us in Proverbs 16:25,
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. 

When you are armed with a wrong mentality, there is no way you would know except an external force infuses the right thought into you. This is where the force of the Gospel takes effect in your life. The force of the Gospel has the power to impose itself on your mind when it is strong enough. If the Word of God is not strong enough, it would not have force enough to impose itself on your mentality.

A heart that finds it difficult to give is governed by the poverty mentality. Debunk your old mindset and let God’s Word create a mentality for you. Think success!

I see only possibilities. My thoughts are success aligned. I’ve got the right mentality.


Proverbs 14:12, Matthew 12:34b

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