Monday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 16th OCT, 2017) - Stewardship

Pastor David Okoye
Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:1-2

As we serve God, it is not in our place to determine if we are serving Him right. It is in the place of the testimonies we bear outside.

2 Corinthians 3:2 says,
Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men. 

As ministers of Christ, we are not the ones to an account of ourselves. This is why you shouldn’t get offended while serving. Even if it seems like your service is not being acknowledged, keep serving. Your service is regarded as null until the one you are serving regards it.

Service is not done to the one that served but the one that is being served. You would be making a big mistake to tell yourself that you are serving right. You do not account of yourself; it is NOT in your place to determine that you are serving right.

As you serve God, let the value of your service be in the fact that you are recommended for true service, not that you recommend yourself.

A steward is one who has been committed with certain resources to manage at his disposal/will. As a steward, there is something that has been committed into your hands, and you have the right to use it in whatever way you want to, but you would account for it at the end.

In medieval times, every prominent Lord or Master had a steward. It was the responsibility of the steward to cater for and expand His Master’s household. A steward manages, tends to, and is in charge of His Master.

God sees every one of us as stewards.

This shows that He has committed some things into our hands and He leaves us to use it with our discretion, but we would give an account of it later. One of these resources is our TIME. God wouldn’t tell you what to do with your time; but, He expects you to channel your time to the expansion and growth of His household.

Your TALENT and your TREASURE are also some resources that you would account for at the end. God gave them to you so you can direct them back into the expansion of His Kingdom.

Live up to your place as a steward. You have been appointed to superintend the needs of the Gospel.

Lord, I recognize my place as a steward today. I make good use of every resource that you have placed at my disposal. I expand the Kingdom!


Luke 12:42, Titus 1:7

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