Wednesday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 25th OCT, 2017) - Do not let it slip (pt 2)

Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. Hebrews 2:1

Yesterday, we saw that it is possible to let the Word of God slip away. So many Christians are unaware that they lost the benefit of the Word because they neglected​ the Word they received. They failed to give proper care and attendance to the Word.

Just like fire, when the Word of God is neglected, it goes out; that is, its potency gets extinguished. Many individuals, because of their neglect, have become great losers; letting the Word of God run out of their hearts, lips, and lives.

They are great losers because; they have lost a treasure far better than thousands of gold and silver. They have lost the seed, as such, all their hopes of a good harvest lost.

Take a look at the highlighted part of our opening text, “…lest at any time…” This explains to us that the Word could slip at any time.

Some lose the Word in a time of prosperity and pleasure, others in a time of persecution, and some in a time of temptation.

You could lose the Word you have heard at any time.

The only way to prevent this is by giving diligent attendance to it. How diligently you attend to the Word is directly proportional to its preservation in your heart.

Another way of giving the more earnest heed to the Word is by meditation. You see, meditation is not the same as listening; it is a deeper level of listening.

Listening requires your ears, but meditation requires your heart.

The heart of man is like a file cabinet. Every day, you are fed with information of some kind that overlaps. Your heart is bound to remember the newer information; as a result, previous information gathered may never be accessed.

The only way you keep a file on top is by your heart, and mouth. That is, the only way through which the Word you have received can remain vivid in your mind is by making use of your heart and mouth; by meditating.

Whatever you keep saying and thinking about, you never forget.

The only reason why you would ever forget a thing is because you stopped thinking or saying it. God’s Word would never slip away from those who give themselves to meditation.

There are three stages of meditation; the mutter, ponder, and roaring stage.

Keep muttering the Word you have received; think over it, brood on it; then just like the lion, roar it out loud for all to hear.

I meditate on the Word every day. God’s Word is preserved in my heart. Hallelujah!


Romans 4:16-21, Proverbs 23:7

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