Tuesday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 3rd OCT, 2017) - Faith

Pastor David Okoye
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4

The message of believing regards that you believe in either faith or fear. Every decision you make, every action you take, and every of your thoughts is founded on either faith or fear.

You see, fear and faith are in opposite spectrums. Fear would always try to gainsay faith. They would always contradict each other.

As a Godchild, you must have to put your fear to the biggest test, and stretch your faith to the maximum. The more your faith increases, the lesser your fear becomes.

Scripture says in 2 Corinthians 5:7,
For we walk by faith, not by sight. 

Our walk in life is a walk of faith. The word sight doesn’t mean vision, but senses. You see, faith is the ability to connect with God and His Word; whereas senses: the ability to connect with the world. Faith is the medium by which we relate with the supernatural; it is the only means to relate with God. Little wonder, God responds only to our faith, and not our senses or emotions.

As a Godchild, choose not to walk by your sensory perception. Let your faith give you a perception.

Faith can only exist in the territory of God. It can only be produced by the Word of God. Outside God, faith is non-existent.

From our opening text, we see that our victory in life is directly proportional to our level of faith. The more your faith increases, the more victorious you become.

You see, faith is not a trade to get the victory; it is the victory in itself. Whatever you come out of life as (defeated or victorious), it all depends on your level of faith. If the world ever overcomes you, it shows that your faith was not capable enough.

Scripture tells us that there is the measure of faith in every man; in everyone lies a seed of faith. It is, therefore, your responsibility to grow this faith for it to produce so much more for you.

Learn to grow your faith; you were born to increase on your faith. You grow your faith by giving yourself to God’s Word and by fellowshipping with His Spirit. In other words, how victorious you would come out of life lies on how much of God’s Word you take in, and how long you commune with His Spirit. It all depends on your level of interaction with God’s Word and the Spirit of God.

My victory in life is sure because I grow my faith daily. I do not walk by my sensory perception; I walk in faith! Hallelujah!


Jude 20, Romans 10:17

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