Thursday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 28th DEC, 2017) - Pleasing the Lord

Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled Hebrews 12:15

Many of God's children don't know how to please the Lord. If God is a physical being, maybe we could identify by observation what pleases Him. Every man is different and as different as we all are, what pleases us are different.

If you want to please a man, you have got to identify how. In the business world, you are told to do unto others, not as you want to be done to you, but as they want to be done unto. Reason being that what you want to be done to you might not suit the next person.

There are peculiarities with individuals that determine how you please them. But the question is, how can a child of God please Him?

Here is the importance of this. When I don't understand what God really expects of me, I will not please God effectively. I can perhaps spend the rest of my life ignorant of this and keep working in the way that I believe to be right.

It is paramount to say, that in all of us, there must be a desire to please the Father. It is paramount that you seek the delight of the Lord in your life.

As you wake up in the morning, what will please God in your life? As you step into the new week, how will you please God in this week that God will be excited about you and your life on earth? You were born for a reason, and until you locate yourself in the will of purpose, you would never fulfil your calling.

My life is pleasing unto the Lord today. I am living a life of purpose.


1 John 3:23; Colossians 1:10

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