Friday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 16th FEB. 2018) - The way of success
Against hope, with hope, he believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what had been spoken: So will your descendants be. Romans 4:18 (HCSB)
The MSG rendering of our opening text says,
When everything was hopeless, Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn't do but on what God said he would do.
And so he was made the father of a multitude of peoples. God himself said to him, "You're going to have a big family, Abraham!"”
Abraham was a man that was aligned with success.
The personality of prosperity would follow only those that have armed themselves with the success mentality. Prosperity does not attach itself to every Christian; it attaches itself only to the mindset that it tolerates.
That is, the success mind attracts the prosperity personality. Success is not just a terminology or an idea, it is a place. Prosperity can be said to be a citizen of that place. Prosperity only follows those with the success framework.
A lot of Christians believe that success is a Holy Ghost factor. It isn't! From Genesis 11, we see that
God had to intervene in the building of the Tower of Babel because He knew they would be successful; they did not have the Holy Ghost.
This is because they understood that the first step to being successful is by being successful in your mind. All that you are today is a product of your mind's capacity.
A man with a success mentality would never speak wrong. Your words are products of what is in your heart. Words program your life.
I am aligned with success. I never speak wrong because I have a success mindset.
Romans 4:16-25; Genesis 11
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