Saturday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 17th March, 2018) - Love Slave

We love Him, because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

A love slave’s relationship with his master, is one very few understand. What manner of love could a slave really have for his master?

This is a love very few understand. It is a relationship where the slave is bound by love for his master. Everything he does is at the behest of his master. His service to his master is born out of love and a desire to please and fulfill the needs of the master.

He wishes at every time to make the master happy even when the master's requests are inconvenient. One who has been called to purpose, we need to understand that we are working to satisfy our Master and fulfil all that is required of us by Him. Many times in Gods' house we hear believers say things like we are love slaves.

Though many know and probably must have used this term themselves, not all have come to the full understanding of that phrase. In the house of the Lord, you will find Christians who serve God so fervently that they could almost be mistaken for slaves.

As Christians we work as slaves, slaves bonded to our master, not bondage of fear but of love means that we serve because we love our master.

As a Christian, until you find yourself serve, work, and love God in this capacity know that there is still work to do.

The life we live is not a life of bondage ruled by fear but of love. This is a platform where you can find a Christian given an option either to leave his master or face death and that Christian wouldn't leave his master even when offered the world.

This was the case of Shedrach, Meshach, and Abednego, regardless of what the consequences were they didn't bow. Little wonder Abraham, the bible said, never staggered at the promises of God; that faith was founded on love.

When you are a Christian, the Holy Ghost moves you, because it is only when you have this heart that you can fulfill Gods' purpose, expectations, and plans for your life.

I am committed at all cost; I choose to serve the Lord beyond my comfort zone. I am a love slave.

I John 4:18, 1 John 5:2

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