Sunday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 8th April 2018) - Value The Word

This precious value, then, is for you who believe 1 Peter 2:7 (NASB)

The resident Pastor of the Abuja church In Nigeria, recounted how he told his church, that any leader looking for a Job and didn't have by the end of January will personally have him to answer to.

This was because on the New Year Eve's service of the year, the Word of God came to us about jobs.

The Lord told us that all things have been made possible for us. He even told us that some would literally get jobs by walking up to the company of their choice and demanding for a Job.

To the natural man, that was absurd. No one walks up to a place of business and demands for a Job; security will throw you out. And this Pastor gave his church the order to run with the Word of God spoken. It didn't take long as other chapters of the ministry heard this, they started going for Jobs.

And suddenly, everyone started getting jobs. Testimonies started pouring in about employment letters, and even industrial training placements gotten because God's people went out for it in faith and some even demanded for it.

I can't remember a time like that first month, when so many persons got jobs almost at the same time. What made the difference? You see, year after year, God's people heard the Word and prophecies for the New Year.

They perhaps received the Word with lots of dancing, shouting, speaking in tongues, and confession. But give them a couple of days or weeks, they will still stop at confessing the blessings. This is because the Word was not of precious value to them. How? The one, who values the Word of God, runs with it.

How do you know if you value the Word of God? It's simple; what steps have you taken towards the fulfillment of the Word of God that has come to you?

This is already the 4th month of the year. The year is fast running, what have you done with the Word? Precious value makes the difference.

Lord I Value your Word in my life. I run with every single Word you have sent ahead of me. I am fruitful every day of my life. Thank You Father, because as I work with your Word,my life is making tremendous progress. Hallelujah

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