Landlord who offers ‘sex for rent’ insists he’s not breaking the law
A landlord who offers free accommodation in return for sex says the ‘arrangements’ are not against the law, which he says take place with consenting adults, and that he frequently rejects messages from 16 and 17-year-olds.
His justification comes after recent figures claimed 250,000 women in Britain are being offered free or discounted rent in exchange for sexual favours, according to a This Morning special investigation.
Presenters Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield spoke to the landlord, who chose to remain anonymous insisted there was nothing wrong with his ‘arrangements’.
Speaking on the show, he said: ‘There are a lot of 16 and 17-year-olds who contact me on a regular basis [but I’m not interested].’
Explaining what he’s looking for, he added: ‘I’m seeking an arrangement. I’m very honest in what I say. I’m very forward and honest and don’t tell lies. I have been married and I have a family.
‘But I find that modern day relationships do not work and if they do they only work for a short period of time. Most females lie. They are working to an agenda. ‘I offer them a life, more than a fully stocked fridge. They are still in touch with me. I’m not a pervert. It’s an arranged relationship. I have a fantastic life and I just want to share it.’
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A researcher had conducted an investigation into the adverts (Picture: ITV)
Responding to the claim, the guest said: ‘I’m doing nothing wrong. It’s an arrangement between two adult human beings.
‘I’m not looking for a sixteen-year-old, an eighteen-year-old, I want someone of my own age. I’m not looking for somebody that’s vulnerable, and if somebody is vulnerable, I wouldn’t be interested.’
Metro UK
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