Monday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 21st May 2018) - All Around You

Madame Day holds classes every morning, Professor Night lectures each evening. Psalm 19:2(MSG)

Have you ever heard people complain about how difficult it is to understand God? Some of them make it sound almost impossible to understand divinity and things of the spirit. While mothers think you need some special kind of powers to understand his operations. This is utterly not so.

Romans 1:20 tells that “the invisible things... of God are clearly seen being understood by things that are made; even his eternal power and Godhead...” This is amazing! The seemingly hidden things of God are seen in the physical things.

Everything you need to know about God (His power, modes of operations, nature, etc.) are all around you as close as your immediate environment. Knowledge of Him isn't just in the scriptures alone but in your physical environment.

Our opening text tells that even the Day and the Night have something to offer and teach you on a daily basis.

If you ever started your day and went through it without learning anything, then you would have failed yourself because there is always something to learn about God.

No wonder Romans 1:20 (AMP) went further to explain, that with all this that has been made available to us, none of us has an excuse or defence for not learning him daily.

Do not wait for some special vision or supernatural effect before you get to experience God. God has made his basic reality plain enough in physical things- Open your eyes to them and pay attention.

I learn God daily. I pay close attention to all around me. Blessed are my eyes and ears for they see and hear the hidden things of God.


Psalm 19:1-4, Romans 1:20 AMP

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