Wednesday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 9th May 2018) - Live by knowledge

Therefore  my  people  are  gone  into  captivity because  they  have  no  knowledge:  and  their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.  Isaiah 5:13

Philippians  2:10 says, 
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in the earth, and things under the earth…
The word 'should' expresses what is right,  appropriate  – it tells what is supposed to be. 

Therefore,  in clearer words,  Philippians  2:10 says,

that at the name of Jesus, every knee is supposed to bow…
The appropriate thing is for every being to bow at the mention of that name.  This is an information that is being passed across to Christendom.  You can only utilize an information when you know it and understand it.

Many Christians are not aware of this fact. They end up seeking help in wrong places  – seeking assistance to subdue powers that they already have authority over. 

The devil will always keep you bound because you don't know. When you know that these beings are supposed to bow,  only then can you ensure that they do.  

Knowledge and its application are very significant in the life of every child of God. Your life as a whole is based on the knowledge you've acquired over time.

Our text explicitly tells that God's children are taken captive not because they don't pray enough or don't go to church enough or aren't zealous enough about the things of God  – but because they lack knowledge.

Upgrade your knowledge of God's word and master it, making sure it's accurate each step of the way. Refuse to let the devil toss you around  – he is to bow to the authority of  Christ in you.  

I upgrade in my knowledge of God's word and apply it daily.  I  do not pray amiss rather I rightly address every situation with God's word. 


Romans 10:2, Hosea 4:6

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