Pastor David Okoye's Birthday: How old is Pastor David Okoye?

How old is Pastor David Okoye?
Pastor David Okoye, President, Ambassadors Word Church (PHOTO: Facebook)
How old is Pastor David Okoye? a question that comes to mind as the man of God turns plus one today.

The president of Ambassadors Word Church, Pastor David O. Okoye, celebrates his birthday today, 19th October.

The man of God is married to his beautiful wife, Pastor Esther Okoye, and they have a beautiful daughter together.

One would be wondering how old is Pastor David Okoye celebrating today, I know even you reading this now is wondering...yes, how old is he!

Pastor David was born many years ago in Anambra State, Nigeria. He is one of the sons of a renowned minister, Bishop E.C Okoye. He is a graduate of Madonna University, Elele, Rivers state. He studied Micro-Biology.

He is the author of the prestigious daily devotional, Ambassadors Diet. Accroding to Pastor David's mother, the man of God started writing the daily devotional when he was still in secondary school.

Pastor David Okoye's Birthday
Photo: Facebook, Ambassadors Word Church.
How old is Pastor David Okoye? Erm... I'm coming...

The man of God began his ministry as far back as 2006 but officially kicked off in 2010. A big time business man, founder of Ambassadors Word Publication and Prints, author of the Ambassadors Diet, and more business yet to be revealed.

He is a quiet person, he's not on social media. He's on Facebook though but, not really active. Report any impersonator if found. Yes, report!

Okay, how old is the man of God?

Yes. I'm asking too, how old is he? One day we shall know!!! Here is to wish the man of God a happy birthday. We'll sure be the first to break it to the world when his age is finally revealed.

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