'Is been Sunday, I've not heard anything about my husband - Col. Sakaba’s wife

col ibrahim sakabas wife issues
The wife Col. Sakaba, who was invloved in the Metele Boko Haram attack, has demanded for an official statement from the Nigerian Army to confirm the state of her husband.

Her husband is reportedly dead in the attack.

Though, the Nigerian Army has threatened to sue individuals and groups that disseminate fake videos, stories and photos of purported Boko Haram attacks against the military.

In a statement on its social media pages, the army said it was dismayed at the indiscriminate publication of and distribution of videos purported of the attack on soldiers in Metele village, Borno State.

But, Col. Sakaba’s wife in an Instagram post, wrote:

Is been Sunday and I have not heard anything about my husband. I he's dead or live. I'm giving you people Monday to get back to me or face me.

The army insists the videos making the rounds are fake.

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