Pastor Adefarasin tells how he started 'House On The Rock' 25 years ago

Pastor Adefarasin tells how he started 'House On The Rock' 25 years ago
Pastor Paul Adefarasin has gone to his Instagram account to give account of how 'House on The Rock' and 'The Experience' all started 25 years ago.

Find the brief story, below:

"More than 25 years ago, as a returnee from the USA and the U.K., who was seeking for a permit renewal from the U.K. High Commission to go back to pastoring the little church I presided over in the city of London, I had my application deferred for further investigation and in spite of earnestly praying for God to open the gates of the U.K., the decision remained unchanged.

"Then I shifted from praying towards reentry into the UK to now praying for the knowledge of God’s will and for Him to perform all His counsel in my life; God then spoke and said: "I have given you a mighty church here in the city of Lagos". Questions like "where is the Church” and “who will hire me to pastor a church” came to mind but God's response was " the Church is in your heart". Hence , I knew that I would travail in prayer inwardly to birth outwardly the Church that God had put in my heart.

"On Friday night, 15th July that same year, 7 of us gathered together, including @ifeanyiadefarasin, then my fiancée, and we prayed and worshipped all night long. That was the beginning of what we now know of as the House On The Rock and The Experience Lagos. Then 25 years ago, who would have thought that anointed ministries would come from all over the world and hundreds of thousands of people would gather for a concert like The Experience.

"This only reinforces the truth of God’s word that says there is NOTHING impossible for God to do and EVERY promise He has made you, no matter how improbable, He is able to bring to pass.

"By faith and patience like the saints of old, we inherit the promises."

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