Responding In Love - By Pastor David Okoye
“Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men”. Romans 12:17
I have often heard people make statements like, “Do me, I do you” or “One good turn deserves another” and many a times, they are not said in the context of good deeds but a vengeance for a hurt done. It is unfortunate to find some Christians in this state of revenging an evil done to them.
We are admonished in our opening text not to pay evil with evil. It is obvious that evil will be done to us as Christians but it is our response to it that counts and that is what brings the distinction between us and the world.
Our response should ever be in and with love just like our Lord Jesus. Even though the Jews hated Him, He loved them still and chose not to hold anything against them.
It can be tempting to want to respond to the world in the like manner that we have been treated, but let God’s love in you constrain you from revenge as it is written in 2 Corinthians 5:14, “For the love of Christ constraineth us…”. It is a conscious choice you need to make.
Leave the recompense to God, He knows how and when to handle such.
I love deeply, irrespective of attitudes and hurts directed at me, I respond in love unconditionally.
Romans 12:19-21; Hebrews 10:30
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