You Are The Apple Of God's Eye - David Okoye

You Are The Apple Of God's Eye - David Okoye

"...for he who touches you touches the apple or pupil of His eye." Zechariah 2:8 AMP

If you have ever had something or someone try to poke you in the eye, you would have noted that it spurs an immediate defensive reaction on your part.

The pupil of the eye is so precious that even before the danger comes real close, you are already on alert to protect it. This is how it is with God.

The scripture verse above connotes that we are the apple of God's eye and whoever touches (harms) you, has automatically touched the pupil of His eye. This shows how valuable you are to God and how protected you are. In the real sense of things, no one can ever dare to poke a finger in God's eye. Every believer must understand that he is safe at all times and his life is hid with Christ in God. God won't sit back and let harm come to His own.

Have no fear of what anyone can do to you. You are protected and preserved by deity from all evil. You are a part of His body - you dwell in the Most High God: therefore refuse to think or talk fear; it isn't one of your qualities.

It's important you recognise your placement in the scheme of things and begin to live up to responsibility, rather than patronising fear and withdrawal in the face of challenges.

Live in the estate of this awareness today, that you're protected on all sides.

I abide in the greater one and therefore protected in all my ways.

Acts 17:28; Psalms 91:11

Culled from Ambassadors Diet 

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