South African Preacher fed congregation with live snakes

South African Preacher fed congregation with live snakes
Put your faith in God, we’re often told.

Then you’ll get chocolate, we’re told not quite so often.

That’s what a congregation in South Africa did, when a preacher ordered them to eat a live snake – and promised that it would become chocolate in their mouths.

In a series of pictures posted on social media, the congregation can be seen performing the stunt at South Africa’s End Times Disciples Ministries in Pretoria, after pastor Prophet Penuel gave the bizarre request.

And it worked, according to the not at all questionable accounts of the congregation.
Pic shows: One man eating a live snake.  A church congregation were controversially ordered to eat a live snake and told it would become and taste like chocolate. Members of Prophet Penuel's End Times Disciples Ministries in Soshanguve, Pretoria, in South Africa did as they were told and ate parts of the snake. Images posted onto the church's social media sites show radical preacher Penuel dangling a live snake and dropping it into the mouths of his followers. Members of the congregation posed showing chunks of the snake they had bitten of in their mouths.  After the strange event, a bizarre post on the churchís Facebook page read:"Man of God declared a snake to become a chocolate (chomp) and the congregation ate it. "We have authority to change everything into anything and it will obey because of our authority," A member of the congregation said later on social media:"I did as I was commanded and tasted the chocolate. It was different but tasted good." Another said:"I was not sure at first but when I bit the snake I realised it  was the best chocolate I have ever eaten." The controversial Penuel previously commanded his church to drink petrol and eat cloths. (ends)
‘I did as I was commanded and tasted the chocolate. It was different but tasted good’, one said.
Another added: ‘I was not sure at first but when I bit the snake I realised it was the best chocolate I have ever eaten’.

Prophet Penuel has form for his belief in divine transformation – having previously encouraged his worshippers to drink petrol, which he claimed would transform into pineapple juice.

Earlier this year, he also ask the congregation to remove their clothes, so that he could sit on their naked bodies and pray.

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