Sunday Daily Devotional By Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Diet 24th July, 2016) - Learn To Trust In The Lord

by pastor david okoye
“Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him…” Job 13:15 

It will only take a man who has a deep love, reverence and trust for God, to utter these words. Job as at the time had health issues, with his wealth and children gone, he was being judged by his friends and was even told by his wife to curse God, but with all these, he said “Even if God kills me, I have hope in him…” Job 13:15 (NCV). What a heart!

Scriptures give account of men similar to Job who trusted beyond reason. 

Abraham trusted enough and was willing to kill his only son. The disciples of Jesus trusted enough to leave their families behind and their source of livelihood to follow Jesus. Noah and his sons trusted enough to build the ark. These men trusted God without reserve. They were “out of their natural minds” in trusting the Lord. 

MORE: Pastor David Okoye "Called to Glory" - YouTube

Shedrach, Meshach and Abadenego trusted even without proof at the face of death and world-wide humiliation. Can you? 

How many will choose to trust God amidst the shame and mockery and persecution. And believe that through the shame, there is a glory ahead. And believe that through the wilderness, there is ‘a promised land’ ahead.  

Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” When the scripture says 'lean not', it tells that your own insight or understanding is not solid enough to carry you through. 

You may not understand his ways: but choose to trust. He might seem far from you but remember he will never leave you, nor forsake you. 

God's Word is solid enough to carry you. Trust His Spirit; obey His word and see yourself win in life.

Against all odds I'll keep trusting. I adhere to, believe in and rely on God daily.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (AMP); Hebrews 13:5

MORE: About Pastor David Okoye, President, Ambassadors Word Ministries

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