Clinton, Trump prepare to face off in first presidential debate
What will Donald Trump do and how will Hillary Clinton react?
the reason 100 million Americans whom loathe both of these
nominees are expected to tune in to the first presidential debate of
the 2016 race.But does anybody believe him?
His devastating use of insults, which were campaign-killing putdowns, were so effective during the Republican primary debates — "Low-energy Jeb", "little Marco", "lyin' Ted".
"People ask me that question — are you going to go out there and do this?" Mr Trump said.
"That I really don't know — you're going to have to feel it out when you're out there, but she's got to treat me with respect and I'll treat her with respect," he insisted.
Mrs Clinton, for her part, has been practicing her deadpan face to all number of bizarre questions, with an appearance on the parody interview show Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis.
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