Saturday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 2nd DEC, 2017) - Stay Ready
No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize - 1 Corinthians 9:27 (NIV)
In this part of the world, especially in Nigeria, we have native medical practitioners commonly called Native doctors. These doctors work with the powers of darkness and can make you rich, famous or even fertile. But amazingly, native doctors live in very dirty huts and environments though they have the ability to make you wealthy and able to afford good cars, mansions and other luxuries of life. What a sad state.
Ever seen those people who have all the knowledge to success, and can show others the way, but are lost and dejected themselves. This sadly is the state of many of God's people. Look at the statement of Apostle Paul in our opening text.
God picks at random. When you least expect it, God counts on you. A man who gets ready for war in the midst of the battle has lost that battle already.
You've got to be the child of God that will not be caught unawares. The endpoint of everything we are doing for the Lord today is to reign with Christ at the end of the day. The earth is a selection process/ground.
You cannot become so encumbered with life's affairs that you lose out on the real deal. The Godchild shouldn't be so a career driven or so money driven, that he misses out on life itself.
Let the Word and Spirit of God keep you in check. You cannot lose sight of your final destination and purpose.
I live out the life of God. I stay ready at all times. I do not lose sight of my home. I turn many to righteousness.
Psalm 1:1-3; Matthew 5:16
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