Tuesday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 10th April 2018) - His will for you (2)
Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad hearted continually (always) 1 Thessalonians 5:16 (AMP)
Several years ago, a minister gave a testimony. He woke up one morning and discovered a growth in his body, and instead of panicking and racing to the hospital, he looked at the growth and remembering his own teachings on the healing power of God, prayed about it and nothing happened.
The next day, the growth was still there and so he started speaking everything he knew from God's Word to his body, and still no change. As weeks became months with no visible change, he finally just gave a prayer of thanks and went his way.
He said he completely forgot about it and then one certain day, while in the bathroom the growth just fell off his body.
As this minister testified, the question I asked was, what made the difference? You see, if he had continued to look at the growth, he probably will be looking at it until today.
A songwriter said 'if we're going to pray about it, why are we worrying? If we are going to worry about it, then why are we praying? Leave it in the hands of Jesus and walk away.'
It is not your responsibility to figure out how the Lord will perform it. The heart that keeps checking to see if the Word has been fulfilled is a heart is not entirely certain about it.
No man orders for a car and keeps wondering how the manufacturer is going to make the car or deliver it, that's absurd. Look at Jesus after talking to the fig tree.
Scripture records for us that he went his way. He didn't even notice that the tree had withered away! His disciples did and called his attention to it.
His response tells us what the focus really is “Have faith in God.” Mark 11:`2-22. Faith is perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses.
That's faith! Knowing beyond any reasonable or unreasonable doubt that the Word of God is the only reality for you!
Walk in Faith today! Do not let any circumstance steal your joy. Live a life of Joy and thanksgiving and you will see the promises of God, fulfilled in your life.
I walk in faith, therefore I walk in victory. I give thanks always.
Matthew 14:25-40
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