Saturday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 12th May, 2018) - It Flows Down

It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; Psalms 133:2

The precious ointment as referred to in the text means the anointing. The flow of the ointment from the head to Aaron's beard and the skirts of his garments is a prototype of how the anointing flows from Christ (the Head) to the Church (His body).

It is worth observing that the ointment doesn't just stay on the head but flows to the body. This means the anointing isn't just for the benefit of the Anointed – but it also benefits others.

Therefore, for any man to partake of the anointing, he has got to be a part of the body. He must be fitly joined to the Head. This is also how you get blessed in the ministry you belong to.

You partake of the blessings of the ministry if you are in true oneness with the vision of that ministry. A second thing to note is that between the head and the beard, the anointing moves at a fast pace – it runs.

The situation isn't the case from the beards down to the skirts. Scripture puts it as thus: “…that went down to the skirts of his garments.” The word 'went' indicates a slower process of movement compared to 'run'.

The 'wenting' of the anointing in the body of Christ is a progressive gradual process. God builds and promotes His church gradually and not rapidly. Your life as a Christian is a progression.

If God promotes you without taking you through the process, you'll end up abusing the anointing and promotion because you lack understanding. When working with the Spirit of God, refuse to be impatient.

The anointing is already on you and would manifest in due time. The flow of the anointing can be short-circuited by disunity in the body of Christ.

Stay connected to the Body, the Ministry to which you belong and the Vision given to that ministry. Your blessing lies in your unity with these three.

I let patience have its perfect work in me. I remain joined to the body of Christ; knowing with all certainty that the promotion is on me and will surely manifest.


Psalms 133:1-3; James 1:4

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