The Power Of Amen - By Pastor David Okoye

Sunday daily devotional by Pastor David Okoye (Ambassadors Word Diet, 8th July, 2018) - The Power Of Amen

For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. 2 Corinthians 1:20

Our verse toady is one scripture I have come to so love. This is because it always brings to mind the realities of God’s kingdom.

There are so many things that we as believers commonize, and start doing religiously. Saying the word, ‘Amen’ is one of them.

To some, Amen is that word you say when someone blesses you. To others, Amen is probably the name of a person. You see, Amen, goes beyond all these. Let’s see how the AMP translation puts our opening text. It says,
For as many as are the promises of God, they all and their yes (answer) in Him (Christ). For this reason, we also utter the Amen (so be it) to God through Him (in His person and by His agency) to the glory of God.

The power of Amen affirms every promise God has made to you. Every of God’s promise spoken to you or written in His word would only be manifested at the presence of Amen.

You see, Amen goes beyond the meaning, ‘so shall it be'. It is a person. The person of Amen brings everything to fashion in accordance to the will of God.

When you say the word, ‘Amen’ you are simply aligning everything around you, and all you are going through to what God has said about you.

The person and power of Amen enforces the will of God for your life.

Amen moves everything in life towards the fulfillment of God’s word.

Amen is a language of the Spirit. If it meant just ‘so be it’ then the kingdom of darkness should be able to say it anytime.

They do not have the ability to say the word ‘Amen’ because in saying it, they are enforcing the will of God over their lives. Wow!

The power engrafted in Amen settles everything.

The person of Amen sieves out that which is not of God in the life of a man. Never commonize and take for granted things of the Spirit.

When you say Amen, you re-validate and confirm the exact word God has spoken to you; you bring out an entity that makes everything move in line with God’s word.

There is tremendous power in Amen!

Amen!!!! I bring to reality all what God has spoken to me. Amen.

Scriptural Reference: 
Revelations 22:20-21, 1 Timothy 6:21

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